Empowering Parents of Special Needs Children: A Self-Care Blueprint – by Patrick Young (Able USA)

Caring for a child with special needs demands resilience and dedication, often leaving parents feeling overwhelmed. The journey is filled with both challenges and profound moments of joy, making self-care an essential component of effective parenting. Prioritizing your well-being is not a luxury but a necessity, as it directly influences your ability to support your … Read more Empowering Parents of Special Needs Children: A Self-Care Blueprint – by Patrick Young (Able USA)

What to Consider when Moving with a Child on the Spectrum – by Patrick Young (Able USA)

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Moving into a new home can be an emotional roller coaster that alternates between the excitement of starting fresh and the fear of the unknown. Moving when you have a child on the spectrum makes the endeavour even more complicated. The hassle of house-hunting, packing, and moving is compounded by the challenge of making sure … Read more What to Consider when Moving with a Child on the Spectrum – by Patrick Young (Able USA)

Autism Spectrum Disorder – Level 1 or Asperger’s Syndrome?

I wanted to clarify where I stand in regards to the use of the label Autism Spectrum Disorder (or Condition, as I would personally prefer to call it) Level 1 vs. Asperger’s Syndrome.  While I understand that one of the reasons the Asperger’s label was removed [from the DSM] was due to its negative affiliation, … Read more Autism Spectrum Disorder – Level 1 or Asperger’s Syndrome?

Why I Highly Recommend that Asperger’s Syndrome be Reintroduced in the DSM under Autism Spectrum Disorder(s)

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Although the term Asperger’s Syndrome was officially introduced in 1981, it wasn’t until 1994 that it was added to the Diagnostic Statistics Manuals (DSM).  In 2013, a controversial decision was made to remove this diagnosis from the DSM, possibly because it was largely considered to be a [milder] form of autism.  While I would definitely … Read more Why I Highly Recommend that Asperger’s Syndrome be Reintroduced in the DSM under Autism Spectrum Disorder(s)