Health & Fitness – Introduction

men and woman in red tank top is ready to run on track field

Health and fitness play a significant role in the ability of people with ASDs to function effectively in everyday life.  Proper self-care is essential for managing ASD related symptoms.  The benefits of a healthy lifestyle (eating a well-balanced diet, regular exercise, daily meditation, etc.) are truly endless.

In addition to maintaining a healthy weight, some other benefits include, but are not limited to:

Improved quality of life (with a more positive outlook/mindset), overall mood, sleep, mental clarity, focus, ability to manage stress, coordination, balance, [physical and psychological] resiliency (including better and faster recovery from illness or injury)

Increased energy, stamina, strength, flexibility, immunity [to illness], confidence, self-esteem, independence, productivity

Decreased anxiety and depression (along with need for medication), likelihood of illness or injury

People with ASDs really owe it to themselves to keep healthy and fit as it has a tremendous impact on their well-being and ability to handle life’s challenges.